Saturday, January 16, 2016

The “Who Am I” Assessment : The Most Useful Personality Quiz Ever?

Scott Dockweiler reported at that
Here’s the Most Useful Personality Quiz You’ll Ever Take, writing:
"Those little ... quizzes are so addictive ... but unfortunately aren’t really helping any of us get further in life.... But ... aspirational careerists who also have an unfortunate penchant for taking quizzes have a happy medium: the “Who Am I” assessment".
Take a look at that article which has a link to the quiz.

We took the quiz ourselves and below show the general resulting descriptions, which were delivered to us in German language because that is where we were located at the time of the taking of the test, a bad habit of internet portals, who decide, often wrongly, rather than ASKING, based on locational algorithms which often do not match user wishes. It is so simple folks: ask !!! rather than invoke tyranny. It costs nothing and the results are far superior when people can make a choice. CONSENT is the basis of success.

Ausblick: Optimist
Stark ausgeprägte Extraversion in Kombination mit gering ausgeprägtem Neurotizismus bedeutet, dass Optimisten stets die positiven Aspekte des Lebens sehen. Dies bedeutet nicht, dass nicht auch Sie von Zeit zu Zeit Schwierigkeiten erfahren, aber sie lassen es nicht zu, dass negative Ereignisse ihre Stimmung negativ beeinflussen. Dank Ihrem naturgemäß sonnigem Gemüt gibt es eine ganze Menge anderer Dinge, für die Sie sich begeistern können.

Charakter: Genießerisch
Genussmenschen neigen eventuell dazu, sich eher Sorgen um die eigene Zufriedenheit und das eigene Vergnügen als um andere zu machen. Manchmal fällt es ihnen zudem schwer, zu merken, wann aus Genuss unerwünschte und ungesunde Gewohnheiten werden. Sie fallen eventuell unter diese Kategorie, wenn es Ihnen schwierig erscheint, herauszufinden, in welchen Bereichen Sie sich von Zeit zu Zeit selbst verbessern könnten.

Selbstkontrolle: Entschlossen
Sie wirken im Allgemeinen sehr entspannt, aber Sie lassen sich nicht in die Karten gucken und wissen genau, was um Sie herum vorgeht. Wenn Sie an etwas Anstoß nehmen, zeigen Sie es vielleicht nicht sofort - aber Sie werden wahrscheinlich einen Weg suchen, es mit gleicher Münze heimzuzahlen. Achten Sie auf Ihrem Sinn für Verhältnismäßigkeit und denken Sie daran, wie andere Ihr Verhalten aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen beurteilen könnten.

Haltung: Unbeschwert
Unbeschwerte Menschen sind meistens entspannt und nehmen die Dinge nicht so Ernst. Deswegen entscheiden sie sich oft für den Weg des geringsten Widerstandes. In Situationen, die es wirklich wert sind, ist es wichtig, sich besonders anzustrengen - auch wenn Ihre Selbstmotivation manchmal scheinbar nicht ausreicht.

Geschmack: Pionier
Sie interessieren sich für das Neue und Andere. Was es auch sein mag, wenn Sie es zuvor noch nicht erlebt haben, möchten Sie es gern ausprobieren. Menschen, die diese Eigenschaft teilen, treffen auch gern Menschen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund und blühen bei großen Gemeinschaftsaktivitäten auf, bei denen Sie etwas über neue Orte und Perspektiven lernen können.

Soziabilität: Anführer
Anführer mögen soziale Situationen, in denen sie so richtig glänzen können - und in denen sie das Sagen haben und Anweisungen geben, statt welche zu befolgen. Sie treffen von Natur aus selbst die Entscheidungen. Sollte dies auf Sie zutreffen, so denken Sie auch darüber nach, wie andere Ihre Direktheit wahrnehmen.

Handlung: Spontan
Spontane Menschen sprühen vor Energie und lieben das Abenteuer. Aber diese Energie ist nicht immer nur konstruktiv. Spontanität und Impulsivität können dazu führen, dass Sie manchmal Ihre ernsthaften, unglamourösen Pflichten vernachlässigen einfach nur um eine gute Zeit zu haben.

Einstellung: Analytisch
Menschen mit analytischer Haltung sind wahrhaft kritische Denker und bewerten jede Situation individuell, um zu verhindern, dass sie sich von Sentimentalität oder Tradition beeinflussen lassen. Dadurch sind sie frei, die Dinge aus jedem Blickwinkel zu betrachten und jede Option zu bedenken, bevor sie zu ihrem eigenen Urteil gelangen. Wenn Ihnen das bekannt vorkommt, seien Sie vorsichtig, auf der Suche nach „der Wahrheit“ nicht die Gefühle anderer zu verletzen.

Prozess: Träumer
Träumer begeistern sich sehr für neue Ideen und Wege, die Welt zu sehen, aber sie neigen dazu, sich in theoretischen Möglichkeiten und Höhenflügen zu verlieren. Wenn Ihnen das bekannt vorkommt, kann es sein, dass Sie beim Start grandios aber beim Finish nicht ganz so großartig sind. Aber niemand kann Ihnen Ihren Enthusiasmus und die Fähigkeit, sich in der Unsicherheit des Neuen zurechtzufinden, vorwerfen. Zwingen Sie sich zu etwas mehr Organisation und Sie werden alle umhauen.

Belastbarkeit: Engagiert
Engagierte Menschen neigen dazu, das Leben ernst zu nehmen, sind aber dennoch in der Lage, Dinge mit Humor zu nehmen und über Schwierigkeiten, die auftreten, zu lachen. Sie sind sehr anpassungsfähig und nehmen Probleme nicht als Hindernisse, sondern als Gelegenheiten wahr, die sie zu kreativen Lösungen −und natürlich zum Lachen − inspirieren.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Enneagram Test of Personality

OK. I took the so-called Enneagram Test of Personality
which I had never taken before,
and which involves nine parameters,
finding out I was a type 8 variant sx/sp/so.
See more at the Enneagram Institute.
Interesting and accurate in many particulars!

Main Type
Overall Self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
Enneagram Test Results
Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||||| 61%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||| 40%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||||||||||| 51%
Type 4 Hypersensitivity |||||||||| 38%
Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||||| 52%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||| 31%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||| 50%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||||| 64%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||| 54%
Your main type is 8
Your variant is sexual
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

Golden Eagle

I had not taken any of these fun quizzes for quite some time, so I thought it was time to update with something new. The result for the question of what animal one is: Golden Eagle. Hey, it is all true! OK!
What Animal Are You?
Golden Eagle
You are a proud person and very brave. You hate evil and tend to stand up for yourself and others.
Facebook quizzes, quiz apps & blog quizzes by Quibblo

Saturday, July 17, 2010

STRENGTH as the Result of Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You? | | and Quibblo - THE WORLD at Quiztron THE SUN at Quizilla

I enjoy taking these quizzes as a form of relaxation, sometimes, and since someone in my environment discussed Tarot cards today, I thought I would look up the online quizzes and came upon the quiz at - quite good by the questions asked.

My Arcana Tarot Card result is STRENGTH (I had to amend the quiz code here because it was not rendered properly in the original embedded code).

You Scored as VIII - Strength

Strength is not just physical strength, it also means emotional and spiritual strength. It is the Strength to do what you know is right in the face of opposition. Strength to defy convention and authority. Stength does not have to be used directly. It can be inner strength that supports one in the face of attacks on what they hold dear. The person of Strength remains true to their beliefs. In a Tarot reading, this card can indicate overcoming of obstacles and refusal to be beaten down. If badly aspected this card can indicate loss of faith, failure of Will.

VIII - Strength - 88%

XI - Justice - 75%

II - The High Priestess - 75%

XIX - The Sun - 69%

IV - The Emperor - 63%

XIII - Death - 63%

I - Magician - 63%

VI - The Lovers - 50%

0 - The Fool - 50%

X - Wheel of Fortune - 50%

XVI - The Tower - 44%

III - The Empress - 38%

XV - The Devil - 13%

That result - I admit to immediate surprise at this corroborating result - was confirmed by the same result on a completely different set of questions at Quibblo:

Which Tarot are you - Part I : Higher Trumps
This not physical strength, but personal mental and emotional strength. This resembles someone who is confident, proud, stable and sound of mind. Someone who thinks and speak assuredly, but no arrogant, someone who is well control of their feelings and emotions, and stands up for their beliefs.

At Quiztron, my card was "THE WORLD":

The World


You are a happy, fulfilled, trustworthy person, or at least want to be one. The world and anything in it can be yours, just as long as you believe in yourself. It seems quite simple, doesn't it? To hold the world in our hands, we must give ourselves to it.

At Quizilla:

Your Result


You are The Sun. Brilliant, radiant, shining. You are the glory of light.

You have total confidence in yourself. You see and understand all.
You are The Sun, your light and warmth comforts all.

Well, I was a bit taken aback by that. A bit overdone. You want to keep things real.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Which Harry Potter Character Are You?

Which Harry Potter Character Are You?
Harry You’re a leader and a good friend. You have a tumultuous past, but that doesn’t get in the way of your impressive future.
Fun quizzes, surveys & blog quizzes by Quibblo

Blogthings - You Are Balanced and Wise

Blogthings - You Are Balanced and Wise

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Andis Kaulins - akaulins Delicious Tags at Wordle

Here are the Andis Kaulins akaulins tags at Delicious as pictured by Wordle:

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I am Apollo

Which Greek god/goddess are you?
You are Apollo! Apollo was the god of prophesy, music and healing.He is famous for his skill with the lyre, and that he was responsible for the downfall of Achilles, a great hero during the Trojan War.

Take the quiz!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Andis Kaulins "Personal DNA" - Not Genetic, but Personality

"Personal DNA" from has an excellent personality test, which we took, coming out in the results as a "freewheeling director". The results are quite accurate and it is a good bit of fun, especially since one can print a customizable T-Shirt afterwards with the resulting color grid and text.

"You are a Director

As a DIRECTOR, you combine an unusual openness and passion for beauty and style with confidence and a down-to-earth sensibility that allow you to realize your vision.

You are practical and pay attention to the details that others tend to miss.

By focusing on what is real and concrete, you achieve more than those who always have their heads in the clouds.

When it comes to what really matters in your life, you are confident in your ability to succeed.

Having beautiful things in your life gives you pleasure and satisfaction - you have a keen eye for style.

Even when problems present themselves, deep down you know you will overcome these challenges.

When routines get too familiar, you become bored and start looking for ways to spice things up.

You are open to new types of experiences – you are not afraid to take a risk on something new.

You have a highly developed sense of taste – you know what looks good on you, in your home, and in the world at large.

Your independent streak allows you to make decisions efficiently and to trust your instincts

You do your own thing when it comes to clothing, guided more by practical concerns than by other people's notions of style.

The control you feel over your life is empowering to you-- you believe in your abilities and acknowledge your shortcomings. Explanations of the world that focus on destiny or fate don't really interest you. You take responsibility for what goes wrong in your life, and also for what goes well.

If you want to be different:

Occasionally let yourself dream a little more, even if it doesn't seem practical or efficient.
how you relate to others

You are Free-Wheeling

Your charismatic nature, liveliness, and independence make you FREE-WHEELING.

You don't mind being in the spotlight, preferring social gatherings to quiet nights at home.

You take a practical approach to people, not getting too involved in their feelings—or their business.

At the same time, your acceptance of others leads you to be understanding of their life circumstances, even if you don't quite understand their emotional reactions to some things.

Although you have a wide circle of friends, you're very discerning as to whom you can trust.

You're not rigid in your beliefs about the world, and you don't want to impose your perspective on others, but at the same time, you know that plenty of people don't always act responsibly.

Engaging with others is a large part of how you live in the world, and most importantly, it plays a role in how you see yourself—you tend to learn a lot about yourself in situations where you are with other people.

You have an understanding of the complexities of situations, and you don't judge others too hastily.

If you want to be different:

Your open-mindedness about the world gives you a great perspective on things, but your lack of trust in others limits how close you can get with them. Try opening up to people a bit more without losing your healthy skepticism.

While being the life of the party will occasionally come naturally to you, be sure to reserve time for yourself—see what you can learn by spending some time observing the world rather than just by diving in."
. . .

This chart shows thirteen personality traits. Each bar indicates the percentage of test takers who entered a lower value for that trait than you did. For example, if Confidence is at 80, that means that 80% of people entered lower values for confidence questions than you did. Based on a sample of 30,000 users. Click here to learn more about the traits....

[reduced chart]:

Masculinity - 100
Agency - 100
Extroversion 96
Earthy/Imaginative - 96
Confidence 94
Openness 80
Aesthetic/Functional - 71
Authoritarianism - 60
Trust in Others - 50
Spontaneity - 40
Attention to Style - 28
Femininity - 14
Empathy - 4

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Myers-Briggs Personality Test

Here are my Test Resultsfor the Myers-Briggs Personality Test in 2004:

ENTJ - 'Field Marshall'. The basic driving force and need is to lead. Tend to seek a position of responsibility and enjoys being an executive. 1.8% of total population.
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test

UPDATE November 23, 2006

At similar minds I took the Myers-Briggs-Jung test nearly 3 years after the foregoing test, with the following result:

ESTJ - "Administrator". Much in touch with the external environment. Very responsible. Pillar of strength. 8.7% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)

The tests are different, though not that far apart. One could be mellowing with age.

UPDATE: December 9, 2007

After another year, we see that the basic ENTJ personality has remained, here as "Chief":

Click to view my Personality Profile page

Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Advertising Archetype Test

Here's another of those great, fun tests:

Spirituality & Health: What Archetypes Are Calling You?

provides us with an analysis of the types of advertising we are attracted to and what it says about us.

Our results showed these three strongpoints:

C. 9 Sage. You have a curious, critical mind that wants to be stretched and disciplined. Devote time to study, discussion, debate; test out the limits of your thinking.

K. 9 Creator. You have a strong need now to express your creativity and imaginative potential. Find an art form and practice getting good at it. You may not be Picasso, but you do have a vision. Now is the time to encapsulate it in tangible form.

L. 9 Ruler. You are drawn to power and responsibility and want to be respected and admired. Now is the time to claim your authority and be willing to take on, and fulfill, important responsibilities.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

1946 Birth Year

Blogthings - What Happened in 1946: "

In 1946 (the year you were born)

Harry Truman is president of the US

The first meeting of the United Nations General Assembly opens

During a speech in Missouri, Churchill declares an 'iron curtain' has descended across Europe

The bikini two-piece bathing suit is introduced, named after the 'ultimate impact' of the atomic testing in Bikini Atoll

A strike by 400,000 mine workers and other industries begins

Congress passes the Atomic Energy Act

Cher, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, Sylvester Stallone, Steven Spielberg, and Bill Clinton are born

St. Louis Cardinals win the World Series

Chicago Bears win the NFL championship

Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup

B.B. King's musical career begins

What Happened the Year You Were Born?

More cool things for your blog at

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Strong Bad at HomestarRunner

via Clive Davis (and he via Captain's Quarters) I was led to this mad site
which drew rave reviews at Wired some time ago

it may be that everyone knows this site already and that i have just run across it a bit late

at first, it looks like a child's site,
but look at the sb mails and you will see differently (see also some clues at the comments to Captain's Quarters)

Or just take the Quizilla test before and after....
You are StrongBad. You hate everyone, especially
HomeStar. Your e-mails and prank calls are
hilarious. You're my favorite character. You
try to be evil, but sorry, being shirtless with
boxing gloves just isn't scary. Don't worry
what everone else thinks because hey, they are
all "crap for brains".

What HomeStarRunner Character are you? (pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Slate Quiz Red or Blue

Slate Quiz Red or Blue

Red or Blue--Which Are You? : Take the Slate quiz. - By Anne E. ornblut

I am purple, i.e. right in the middle,
with 105 points exactly on each side,
so this confirms again that I am a centrist,
as all similar political tests also show. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Which Homeric hero are you?

Which Homeric Hero Are You? - Quiz

Absolute mindless fun.

Here are my results in the Guardian Unlimited Film Quiz

- Which Homeric hero are you? -

Which Homeric hero are you?


Mercurial in the extreme,
it's evident to all concerned that you're not really committed to the cause.
Nobody can deny your ingenuity in a crisis, however, and you never lose your head.
Don't expect anyone to turn their back on you, though.